Society of Wetland Scientists Professional Certification ProgramSociety of Wetland Scientists Professional Certification ProgramSociety of Wetland Scientists
Professional Certification Program

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Standing Rules
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Standing Rules

  • Section 1 Duties of the President.
  • Section 2 Duties of the President-elect.
  • Section 3 Duties of the Secretary-General.
  • Section 4 Duties of the Secretary-General-elect.
  • Section 5 Duties of the Treasurer.
  • Section 6 Duties of the Vice-Treasurer.
  • Section 7 Duties of the Immediate Past President.
  • Section 8 Terms of appointment and duties of the Certification Standards Committee and Chair.
  • Section 9 Terms of appointment and duties of the Certification Review Panel and Chair.
  • Section 10 Terms of appointment and duties of the Certification Renewal Committee and Chair.
  • Section 11 Terms of appointment and duties of the Nomination Committee and Chair.
  • Section 12 Terms of appointment and duties of the Appeals Board and Chair.
  • Section 13 Terms of appointment and duties of the Ethics Committee and Chair.
  • Section 14 Terms of appointment and duties of the Outreach Committee and Chair.
  • Section 15 Terms of appointment and duties of the Finance Committee and Chair.
  • Section 16 Terms of appointments for Committee members and Chairs.
  • Section 17 Professional Wetland Scientist and Wetland Professional In Training requirements for certification.
  • Section 18 Authority to contract with a Business office.
  • Section 19 Salaries and Expenses.
  • Section 20 Application, Maintenance and Renewal Fees.
  • Section 21 Finances.
  • Section 22 Rules of Order.
  • Section 23 Publications.
  • Section 24 Appeal Process.
  • Section 25 Certification Renewal Process.
  • Section 26 Ethics complaint filing and review process.
  • Section 27 Duties of the SWS/SWSPCP representative.
  • Section 28 Duties of the Student Representative on the SWSPCP Board of Directors.
  • Section 29 Duties of the CESB Representative and Alternate.
  • Section 30 Duties of the Public Member.
  • Section 31 Terms of appointment and duties of the Professional Short Course Review Panel and Chair.
  • Section 32 Professional Short Course Pre-Approval Program Requirements and Standards
  • Section 33 Terms of appointment and duties of the Awards Committee and Chair.
  • Section 34 Terms of appointment and duties of the Globalization Committee and Chair(s)
  • Section 35 Terms of appointment and duties of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee and Chair(s)
  • Section 36 Terms of appointment and duties of the Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee and Chair
  • Section 37 Memoranda of Agreement, Cooperation and Understanding
  • Section 38 Support for Outside Organizations and Their Activities

The following rules are established to assist the SWS Professional Certification Program Inc. in conducting the business of the Certification Program.

Section 1 - Duties of the President

  1. The President shall be responsible for the business of the Certification Program, establish special committees required for the business of the Certification Program, and exercise other responsibilities as necessary to operate the Certification Program.
  2. The President shall sign MOUs, MOCs, and MOAs on behalf of SWSPCP, after their approval by the Executive Board.
  3. The President shall serve on the Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee, shall serve in advisory capacity to the DEI Committee, and may serve on other committees as needed.

Section 2 - Duties of the President-elect

  1. Duties of the President-elect are to assist the President and to perform the duties of the President when that officer is absent or unable to act.
  2. The President-elect shall serve on the Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee, shall serve in advisory capacity to the DEI Committee, and may serve on other committees as needed.

Section 3 - Duties of the Secretary-General

  1. Review membership reports prepared by the business office and do yearly review to ensure that business office archives SWSPCP records.
  2. Ensure, through oversight of the business office, that Certification Program Bylaws, Standing Rules, and Strategic Plan documentation are up-to-date and are available for dissemination to the Board, the Business Office and other appropriate media. The business office is responsible for keeping all SWSPCP records, and the Secretary-General oversees this function. The Secretary-General also keeps a digital copy of the most up-to-date SWSPCP Bylaws, Standing Rules and Strategic Plan.
  3. Review, approve, and finalize board meeting minutes for publication and distribution.
  4. Maintain a record of Board of Directors and committee member terms.
  5. Ensure that voting individuals are members in good standing, as necessary.
  6. Serve as back up signatory to the Treasurer and/or Vice-Treasurer on SWSPCP financial accounts.
  7. Serve as a member of the Nomination Committee and other committees, as required.

Section 4 - Duties of the Secretary-General-elect

The Secretary-General-elect serves a one-year term prior to the sitting Secretary-General stepping down from the position, so as to facilitate a smooth transition. The Secretary-General- elect shall:
  1. Work closely with the Secretary-General on Certification Program affairs in order to be prepared to occupy the position at the end of the Secretary-General's term in office.
  2. Fulfill the term of Secretary-General should that individual not be able to continue in office.

Section 5 - Duties of the Treasurer

  1. Administer the financial resources of the Certification Program, with the assistance of the business office.
  2. With the assistance of the business office, approve the payment of all bills and carry out financial transactions of the Certification Program as authorized by the President or the Board of Directors.
  3. Serve as liaison with the business office and prepare appropriate status reports for the Board of Directors.
  4. With the assistance of the business office, approve the filing of the Certification Program's income tax returns.
  5. Prepare an annual budget and present it at the annual meeting of the Certification Program.
  6. Serve as Chair for the Finance Committee
  7. Collaborate with the Chair of the Globalization Committee and the standing Presidents to establish budget line items, as financially feasible, in the yearly budgets to support globalization initiatives, efforts and activities (see Section 34 Globalization Committee duties).

Section 6 - Duties of the Vice-Treasurer

The Vice-Treasurer serves a one-year term prior to the sitting Treasurer stepping down from the position, so as to facilitate a smooth transition. The Vice-Treasurer shall:
  1. Work closely with the Treasurer on Certification Program affairs in order to be prepared to occupy the position at the end of the Treasurers term in office.
  2. Fulfill the term of Treasurer should that individual not be able to continue in office.
  3. The Vice-Treasurer shall serve a term of three years.

Section 7 - Duties of the Immediate Past President

  1. The Immediate Past President performs the duties of President if both the President and President-elect are unable to act. The Immediate Past President shall serve as Parliamentarian at meetings.
  2. The Immediate Past President shall serve, with the SWS/SWSPCP Representative, as the Certification Programs' liaison to the Society of Wetland Scientists, Inc., Board of Directors. He or she will attend, upon invitation, all Board and Executive Board meetings of SWS.
  3. The Immediate Past President shall serve one year as the Chair of the Nomination Committee;. shall serve one year as Chair of the Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee; shall serve as a member of the Ethics Committee; shall serve in advisory capacity to the DEI Committee; and may serve on other committees as needed.

Section 8 - Terms of appointment and duties of the Certification Standards Committee and Chair

  1. The Certification Standards Committee Chair shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors for a three-year term and is responsible for leading and working with a committee of six Professional Wetland Scientists/Senior Professional Wetland Scientists. The Chair shall nominate two of the Committee candidates based on geographical representation, sources of employment, education and experience background, and minority considerations. The terms shall be staggered. The fourth, fifth and sixth, Committee members shall be the chairs of the Certification Review Panel, Certification Renewal Panel, and the CESB Representative.
  2. The Certification Standards Committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Board for certification requirements on at least an annual basis. Updates to the certification program standards will occur no more frequently then every three years.

Section 9 - Terms of appointment and duties of the Certification Review Panel and Chair

  1. The Certification Review Panel Chair shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors for a three-year term and is responsible for leading and working with a Review Panel of nine Professional Wetland Scientists. The Chair shall also serve as a member of the Certification Standards Committee. Panel members may be reappointed by the President with approval by the Board of Directors. The current Panel Chair shall assist the President in recommending appropriate Panel candidates based on geographical representation, sources of employment, education and experience background, and minority considerations. The Panel is appointed on a rotating basis, with three new members appointed each year. The Chair may nominate additional members for temporary appointment to the Panel to help with periodic heavy application periods, subject to approval by the Board.
  2. The Panel Chair presides over Panel meetings, which should occur at least annually.
  3. The Panel Chair shall have the authority to confer the status of Professional Wetland Scientist (PWS), Senior Professional Wetland Scientists (SPWS) or Wetland Professional In Training (WPIT) to applicants who meet all requirements set forth by the Standards Committee.
  4. The Committee shall annually provide the Certification Standards Committee with an evaluation of the appropriateness of certification criteria and recommendations for changes. The Panel Chair makes recommendations for certification requirement procedures to the Certification Standards Committee Chair based on specific experiences during processing of applications.
  5. The Panel Chair receives copies of all applications from the business office, receives all completed review forms from other panelists, and corresponds directly with applicants concerning any and all aspects of individual applications, including approvals and appeals. The Panel Chair, as aided by the business office, will ensure that applicants promptly receive evaluation results and will provide applicants who fail, information on the general areas of deficiency.
  6. The Panel Chair records all decisions made by the Panel with the business office, who maintains master files of the Program.

Section 10 - Terms of appointment and duties of the Certification Renewal Committee and Chair

  1. The Chair of the Certification Renewal Committee shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors for a three-year term and is responsible for leading and working with a committee of seven Professional Wetland Scientists/Senior Professional Wetland Scientists, including the Chair. The Chair shall also serve as a member of the Certification Standards Committee. The Chair shall nominate Committee candidates to be approved by the Board based upon geographical representation, sources of employment, education and experience background, and minority consideration. The Chair may nominate additional members for temporary appointment to the Committee to help with periodic heavy renewal periods, subject to approval by the Board.
  2. Committee members shall serve three-year staggered terms in order that no more than three members shall rotate off the Committee annually. Initial appointments shall be as follows: Two-year term (2 persons), Three-year term (3 persons), and Four-year term (2 persons, including the Chair). Thereafter, appointments shall be for three-year terms.
  3. The Certification Renewal Committee shall meet at least once per year and the Committee shall review and evaluate applications for certification renewal as they are received during the year. The Committee shall annually provide the Certification Standards Committee with an evaluation of the appropriateness of certification renewal criteria and recommendations for changes.
  4. The Chair, or his or her designee, based upon recommendation of the Committee, shall have the authority to renew the certification of Professional Wetland Scientists/Senior Professional Wetland Scientists for applicants who meet all requirements set forth by the Certification Renewal Committee and described in Section 24 of the Standing Rules.
  5. The Chair receives copies of all renewal applications from the business office, receives all completed review forms of other panelists, and corresponds directly with applicants concerning any and all aspects of renewal applications, including approvals and appeals.
  6. Panel Chair, as aided by the business office, will ensure that applicants promptly receive evaluation results and will provide applicants who fail, information on the general areas of deficiency.

Section 11 - Terms of appointment and duties of the Nomination Committee and Chair

  1. The Nomination Committee shall be chaired by the Immediate Past President who will serve a one-year term.
  2. The Nomination Committee will consist of the Chair, Secretary General, and three Professional Wetland Scientists/Senior Professional Wetland Scientists/Professional Wetland Scientists Emeriti, (not currently serving on the Executive Board) that shall be appointed by the SWSPCP Executive Board and who will serve asynchronous three-year terms.
  3. The Nomination Committee will solicit candidate nominations from Professional Wetland Scientists/Senior Professional Wetland Scientists/Professional Wetland Scientists Emeriti in good standing with SWSPCP, Inc., and, in consultation with the current President and President-elect, propose a slate of nominations to the Board of Directors at the Mid-year Board meeting.
  4. The Ballot to elect Board members will be sent annually to all PWS/SPWS/WPIT in the first week of March, with a 30-day deadline to cast votes.
  5. The Nomination Committee shall seek to nominate a President Elect from outside of the United States at a minimum once every third election, thereby maintaining the presence of a non-United States PWS or SPWS among the three standing presidents on the Executive Board, when possible.

Section 12 - Terms of appointment and duties of the Appeals Board and Chair

  1. The Chair of the Appeals Board shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors for a three-year term. The Appeals Board shall be comprised of three Professional Wetland Scientists in good standing.
  2. The term of the Appeals Board will be three years and rotation of members will be staggered.
  3. The Appeals Board will consider and rule on disputes in the certification and certification renewal process.

Section 13 - Terms of appointment and duties of the Ethics Committee and Chair

  1. The Ethics Committee Chair shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors and shall serve a three-year term.
  2. The Ethics Committee will consist of the Immediate Past President, Chair of the Certification Standards Committee, Chair of the Certification Review Panel, Chair of the Appeals Board, and two certified PWS/SPWS members appointed by the President to a three-year term. The terms shall be staggered.
  3. The Ethics Committee will conduct hearings to review complaints concerning possible violations of the Society of Wetland Scientists Professional Certification Program, Inc., Code of Ethics and Professional Practice and will take appropriate action as specified in these standing rules.
  4. The Ethics Committee shall review the Code of Ethics and Professional Practice on an annual basis, and revise, if necessary. All proposed revisions must be approved by the Board of Directors.

Section 14 - Terms of appointment and duties of the Outreach Committee and Chair

  1. The Outreach Committee Chair shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors for a three-year term and is responsible for leading and working with a three member committee. The Chair shall nominate Committee candidates to be approved by the Board of Directors.
  2. The Outreach Committee is charged with the promotion and development of public recognition of the SWSPCP. The Committee works to develop materials that describe the program to the public, governmental agencies and nonprofit groups. The Committee also seeks to promote the overall recognition of the benefits of professional certification to other wetland scientists and to develop professional ties to other appropriate organizations. The Committee will include, at least annually, a summary of certification activities, including the number of applicants, number certified, and number recertified in the SWSPCP Newsletter.

Section 15 - Terms of appointment and duties of the Finance Committee and Chair

  1. The Committee shall be chaired by the Treasurer who will serve a three-year term. The Committee shall consist of a Chair and two other additional Committee members (including the Vice-Treasurer). The Chair is responsible for leading and working with the committee. All Committee members shall serve for a three-year term. The Chair shall solicit and nominate qualified Committee candidates to be approved by the Board of Directors.
  2. The Committee is appointed on a rotating basis, with one member (Vice-Treasurer) appointed in the first year and one new member appointed the following year, in order to maintain a three-member committee. There shall be no limit on the number of terms to which a member can be appointed.
  3. The Committee, working with the business office, facilitates the research and assessment of potential costs, reviews available services, and makes recommendations to the Board for approval of the annual SWSPCP budget, major financial expenditures (expenses greater than $5,000) proposed for the organization including, but not limited to, new SWSPCP initiatives, insurance, contracting, website and legal services, and proposed adjustments to existing investment accounts as managed by the SWSPCP financial advisor.

Section 16 - Terms of appointment and duties of Committee members and Chairs

The term for all new appointments to standing committee members and Chairs shall begin immediately upon installation of the newly elected Board of Directors at the SWSPCP annual meeting irrespective of when appointment and approval occur. The term of appointment for all subsequent committee members and Chairs shall run from annual meeting to annual meeting for their specified term length.

Section 17 - Professional Wetland Scientist, Senior Professional Wetland Scientists and Wetland Professional In Training requirements for certification

Professional Wetland Scientist (PWS) or Senior Professional Wetland Scientist (SPWS) certification is awarded by the SWSPCP, Inc., Certification Review Panel to individuals meeting education and experience requirements defined below. Certification as a Wetland Professional In Training (WPIT) is considered to be a preliminary step for persons who have completed educational requirements but do not meet the experience or specialized wetland course work requirements. All information submitted by applicants is only available to staff application managers and Certification Review Panel members, which provides for security and confidentiality.
  1. College/University education. - All applicants must submit information that documents completion of the educational requirements leading to a college or university degree of Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, or equivalent or higher degree, and should have the following, or equivalent, course work acquired through a collegiate program:
    1. Biological Sciences: Fifteen (15) semester hours in biological sciences including courses such as general biology, botany or zoology; general ecology; plant, animal, aquatic or wetlands ecology; invertebrate zoology; taxonomy; marine science; fisheries biology; plant physiology, plant taxonomy, plant pathology, plant morphology; relevant environmental sciences; and similar courses.
    2. Physical Sciences: Fifteen (15) semester hours in courses in soils, chemistry, hydrology, physics, geology, sedimentology, oceanography, coastal processes, environmental engineering, and similar courses.
    3. Quantitative Sciences: Six (6) semester hours in courses in math, computer sciences, basic statistics, population dynamics, experimental statistics, and similar courses.
    4. Additional Educational Requirements for PWS/SPWS Certification: As of June 1, 1999, fifteen (15) semester hours (or equivalent in short courses or continuing education courses) of specialized wetland course work (SWCW). SWCW is not required for WPIT certification. Examples of recommended courses, continuing education, and/or training needed to attain additional competency include, but are not limited to, the following: Wetland Plant Taxonomy; Advanced Plant Taxonomy; Wetland Hydrology; General Hydrology; Soil Morphology, Classification, and Mapping; Hydric Soil Identification; Wetland Restoration and Creation; Wetland Delineation/Evaluation/Classification; Applied Wetland Ecology and Management; Wetland Creation/Mitigation; Wetland Ecology; Stream Delineation, Assessment and Management. Attendance at professional meetings or symposia will NOT qualify to meet this requirement. A maximum of 5 semester hours, or equivalent hours, may be given for stream related training. Professional short courses cannot be used to satisfy the collegiate training requirements for biological, physical or quantitative science requirements.
    5. Applicants seeking credit for specialized wetland course work taken outside of the university setting where no official college credit was generated must provide the following information to assist the SWSPCP Certification Review Panel in assessing the applicability of the course in meeting the minimum hour requirement for specialized wetland courses:
      1. Name, date, location and sponsor of the course
      2. The number of classroom and/or field hours completed
      3. A description of the course content
    6. The educational requirements are expressed in terms of semester hours. One semester hour usually reflects one lecture or three laboratory hours of instruction per week for a 15 week term. One quarter hour normally equals 0.66 semester hours; therefore semester hours = quarter hours x 2/3. Professional short courses will be prorated based on 15 hours of instruction will equal 1 equivalent semester hour. For example, a 36 hour wetland delineation course will equal 2.4 equivalent semester hours.
    7. It is the applicant's responsibility to provide full documentation of education. When course titles do not describe content, a short, written description or course syllabus should be provided. Applicants who do not clearly meet the stated minimum educational requirements but believe they satisfy their content should submit detailed documentation of comparable qualifications. Professional work experience cannot be substituted for formal educational deficiencies.
  2. Qualifying Experience (PWS only). - In addition to the minimum collegiate courses required, a PWS must meet specific experience and wetlands-related education as outlined below: professional experience begins following conferral of the FIRST degree at a baccalaureate or higher level. Certification as a PWS requires a minimum of five (5) years of full-time professional experience, relevant experience must be gained within ten (10) years prior to applying for the PWS. Experience must demonstrate the application of current technical knowledge to problems and programs dealing with wetland resources and activities. Relevant experience may be gained while working in the private (e.g., consulting, industry, non-profit), public (e.g., local, state, federal government), and/or academic sectors.
    Identification of the professional level of experience will require careful evaluation of each application. Experience is calculated based upon applicant's description and documentation of percentage of time applied to relevant wetlands work. Therefore, it is the applicant's responsibility to fully document for each experience the percentage of time devoted specifically to professional wetland activities, providing month/year dates for each period(s) of experience. Full-time work experience is defined as a minimum 75% of daily/weekly/monthly duties devoted specifically to wetland science. Work experience below the 75% threshold will be credited on a pro-rated basis. NOTE: the terms "research" and "project" are generic.
    Examples of qualifying experience include:
    1. Engaging in research that includes field or laboratory observation, analysis of data, and preparation of a publication for recognized journals and/or published reports to private/public clients,
    2. Directing a research project with supervisory responsibility over several technicians,
    3. Serving as a leader or assistant leader on wetland-related projects requiring independent judgment and action,
    4. Teaching a college course or equivalent in wetlands science,
    5. Working as a wetlands specialist, scientist, or manager in the public (local, state, or federal agency) or private (industry, consultant, developer) sector,
    6. Directing a state-wide or district-wide wetlands program, conducting wetland restoration projects, wetland program planning, or conducting wetland delineation or evaluation.
    Examples of non-qualifying experience include:
    1. Teaching below college level,
    2. Carrying out routine responsibilities such as data collecting without statistical analysis, professional writing of someone else's work, making routine plant identification, conducting bioassay or other analytical laboratory determinations,
    3. Providing input to or review of environmental impact statements, unless as a wetland specialist,
    4. Working as an undergraduate or graduate research or teaching assistant,
    5. Involvement in wetland studies as an administrative function without application of principles and concepts of wetland science.
  3. Time spent obtaining advanced academic degrees may apply toward professional experience subject to the following guidelines.
    1. Experience credit normally will be given only upon completion of curriculum and research judged by the panel as relevant to the wetland profession.
    2. Up to two (2) years of credit will be allotted for a Master's degree, up to three (3) years of credit for a Ph.D., and up to four (4) years of credit for a Master's and a Ph.D. Credit allowed will be on a case-by-case basis based on relevance to the wetland sciences. The applicant should outline the wetlands relevance of the work leading to the degree(s) to ensure appropriate credit is given.
    3. When time intervals for education and employment overlap, a detailed explanation must be provided of the relevant portions of each. Experience must be gained within the ten (10) years prior to the date the application is signed.
  4. Documentation of Education and Experience. - Each applicant must include the following:
    1. A curriculum vita or resume documenting name, address, college/university degree(s), a list of relevant college/university courses, and documentation of full-time experience in wetland science.
    2. A list of citations for wetlands-related publications, technical reports, oral presentations, and other professional activities.
    3. Names, addresses and phone numbers of five (5) references must accompany an application for certification. Two of the five references must be from current Professional Wetland Scientists or Senior Professional Wetland Scientists in good standing. PWS/SPWS's who are not current in their maintenance dues will not be accepted as a PWS reference. One reference must be a member of the Society of Wetland Scientists in addition to the two PWS/SPWS references. One reference must be an employer, supervisor or client. Three references must complete Form C, and at least one of the three must be a current PWS/SPWS. For PWS, two of your references must be from professionals employed outside your own organization. Individuals who live outside the continental United States and Canada must provide five letters of reference. These individuals do not have to be a member of the Society of Wetland Scientists or be a Professional Wetland Scientist, although it is highly encouraged. Do not list personnel that you supervise. Indicate the category of each reference.
    4. Copies of all academic transcripts for all degrees conferred or courses taken (photocopies are acceptable).
    5. Applicant must also certify the accuracy of application documents and certify that they agree with the SWSPCP Code of Ethics and Professional Practice.
  5. Body of Knowledge: A Body of Knowledge developed from survey responses of SWSPCP Professional Wetland Scientists is available from the SWSPCP web site and the business office. The Body of Knowledge is a living document, revised every five years, and represents the evolving nature of wetland science. Applicants for certification should be familiar with the Body of Knowledge. As of January 1, 2012, the full applicant documentation package, including expertise statement, allows for a review by the Certification Panel of an applicant's fulfillment of the SWSPCP Body of Knowledge.
  6. Application Essay Statement of Expertise: Additional Requirements for PWS Certification: As of January 1, 2012, all applicants for PWS (not WPIT), including applicants for upgrade from WPIT to PWS, must submit an essay statement of expertise as part of the applicant's education and experience requirements. Applicants select one to three expertise areas from the application list to focus upon for their expertise statement. The list of expertise areas is based upon the Body of Knowledge. Applicants prepare a statement of expertise from their documented education and work experience.
  7. h. The statement of expertise (500 to 1000 words) should be a full description of the applicant's expertise and description of his or her role within the broad range of Wetland Science as defined by the SWSPCP Body of Knowledge. The statement of expertise will allow for an objective review by the Certification Review Panel of an applicant's fulfillment of the SWSPCP Body of Knowledge with respect to their personal expertise. Three review panelists, independently and objectively, assess each applicant's essay on the linkages between the area(s) of expertise and these categories, using an assessment rubric. A passing application will require a score of 70% or greater from at least two of three review panelists. This objective assessment rubric will also ensure repeatable and verifiable scores across the wide range of applicant skills, knowledge and abilities, while recognizing the wide range of expertise areas within the field of wetland science. The assessment rubric provides guidance for each review panelist in grading and further guidance is provided through communication with the Chair of the Review Panel. Each essay is graded on a maximum of 20 points, with 14 (70%) set as the minimum passing score. This minimum score ensures that successful, passing applicants not only meet the minimum basic educational, specialized wetland course work and training, work experience and reference requirements, but are also practicing professionals applying their area(s) of expertise in wetland science.
  8. SWSPCP Board and Committee members, as well as SWSPCP business office personnel involved in PCP activities, are prohibited from providing training for the purpose of passing essays or any other testing that is part of the PWS or WPIT certification application. This restriction does not preclude providing educational courses or training that may be used as part of an applicant's general academic requirements or continuing education activities.
  9. All applicants must pay a non-refundable application fee as prescribed in Section 20.
  10. Upgrading from a WPIT to a PWS requires an application, but it is not necessary to complete the entire application. The individual should document course work and other training and experience since the last application that will completely fulfill the requirements for PWS certification, and a statement of expertise essay must be included as indicated in Section (g) above. Professional accomplishments and publications should also be highlighted. The name and address of at least one new reference, preferably an individual verified as a PWS, should be included with the application, along with a check or money order for the difference between the WPIT and PWS application fees ($200.00 US). If the upgrade application is more than two years from the date a WPIT was awarded, three new Form Cs must be completed to reflect a current assessment of the applicant's professional work experience. The SWSPCP business office will attach a copy of the original application to the new material for submission to the Certification Review Panel. Review and approval of the upgrade application will then proceed in the same way as an original application.
  11. Upgrading from a Professional Wetland Scientist (PWS) to a Senior Professional Wetland Scientist (SPWS) is not accomplished using an application, but, rather, is awarded by the SWSPCP, Inc. Certification Review Panel to individuals meeting experience requirements defined in Section 25 (c).

Section 18 - Authority to Contract with a Business office

The Board has the authority to enter into a contract with a business office to perform duties as described in a contractual agreement. The business management entity is synonymous with the business office, as referenced in these rules. Business office staff and its contractors are required to sign the Code of Ethics to work with the program. The Secretary-General will maintain current signed documents.

Section 19 - Salaries and Expenses

The President, President-elect, Secretary-General, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, Certification Review Panel Chair, Certification Committee Chair, Certification Renewal Committee Chair and Appeal Board Chair or any other Board member, Committee member or Chair shall receive no salary for services. Board and Standing Committees members may receive compensation for expenses incurred for Board meetings and/or any other related expenses, as approved by the President.

Section 20 - Application, Maintenance and Renewal Fees

All fees must be paid in US dollars, are non-refundable and are sent to the SWSPCP Business Office.

Fees presented below are based on income brackets established by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) using the latest income levels for each country calculated for 2022-2023 economic assistance flows. Four (4) income brackets have been established based on a country's per capita Gross National Income (GNI) as compiled by the World Bank in US Dollars.
  1. Application Fees

    1. Table 1. Application Fee Structure for PWS/SPWS and WPIT for SWS members and SWS non-member from Developed Countries.
      Fees (USD)Developed Countries
      SWS MemberSWS Non-Member
      PWS Application Fee$300.00 US$400.00 US
      WPIT Application Fee$100.00 US$200.00 US

    2. Developed Countries include all G8 members not included in the EU and EU Countries including countries with an established firm date of entry into the EU as of 2022. These include: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland and United States of America.
    3. Table 2. Application Fee Structure for PWS/SPWS and WPIT for SWS members and SWS non-member from Upper Middle Income Countries & Territories.
      Fees (USD)Upper Middle Income Countries & Territories
      SWS MemberSWS Non-Member
      PWS Application Fee$102.00 US$136.00 US
      WPIT Application Fee$34.00 US$68.00 US

    4. Upper Middle Income Countries and Territories include: Albania, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, China (People's Republic of), Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Fiji, Gabon, Georgia, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kosovo Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Montenegro, Montserrat, Namibia, Nauru, Niue, North Macedonia, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Helena, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Serbia, South Africa, Suriname, Thailand, Tonga, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Venezuela, Wallis and Futuna.
    5. Table 3. Application Fee Structure for PWS/SPWS and WPIT for SWS members and SWS non-member from Lower Middle Income Countries & Territories.
      Fees (USD)Lower Middle Income Countries & Territories
      SWS MemberSWS Non-Member
      PWS Application Fee$36.00 US$48.00 US
      WPIT Application Fee$12.00 US$24.00 US

    6. Lower Middle Income Countries and Territories include: Algeria, Angola, Bangladesh, Belize, Benin, Bolivia, Bhutan, Cabo Verde, Cambodia, Cameroon, Comoros, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, El Salvador, Eswatini, Ghana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Lesotho, Mauritania, Micronesia, Mongolia, Morocco, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua, New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Tokelau, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Viet Nam, West Bank and Gaza Strip, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
    7. Table 4. Application Fee Structure for PWS/SPWS and WPIT for SWS members and SWS non-member from Low Income Countries & Territories.
      Fees (USD)Low Income Countries & Territories
      SWS MemberSWS Non-Member
      PWS Application Fee$12.00 US$16.00 US
      WPIT Application Fee$4.00 US$8.00 US

    8. Low Income Countries and Territories include: Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Togo, Uganda, Yemen.
    9. Table 5. Annual Maintenance Fee Structure for PWS, WPIT and Emeriti.
      Fees (USD)Developed CountriesUpper Middle Income Countries & TerritoriesLower Middle Income Countries & TerritoriesLow Income Countries & Territories
      PWS Annual Maintenance Fee$75.00 US$50.00 US$18.00 US$14.00 US
      WPIT Annual Maintenance Fee$50.00 US$35.00 US$13.00 US$8.00 US

    10. The Annual Maintenance fee is due upon receipt of a bill from the Business Office. Individuals are not required to submit an annual maintenance in the year in which they were certified.
    11. Table 6. 5-year Certification Renewal for PWS/SPWS and WPIT.
      Fees (USD)Developed CountriesUpper Middle Income Countries & TerritoriesLower Middle Income Countries & TerritoriesLow Income Countries & Territories
      PWS/SPWS 5-year Certification Renewal$100.00 US$34.00 US$11.00 US$5.00 US
      WPIT 5-year Certification Renewal$50.00 US$17.00 US$6.00 US$2.00 US
      Emeriti Certification Renewal (One-time payment)$150.00 US$51.00 US$17.00 US$6.00 US
      WPIT upgrade to PWS$200.00 US$68.00 US$23.00 US$8.00 US

  2. Application Fee Adjustments.

    All fee schedules will be reviewed and adjusted every five (5) years according to income data and categorization provided for each country listed on the most current "DAC List of ODA Recipients" developed by OECD. This modification to the Standing Rules became effective on April 27, 2023.

Section 21 - Finances

The Treasurer, with the assistance of the business office, shall maintain all finances. These funds shall be used to conduct the Certification Program's business, including insurance, and work to provide an endowment for the maintenance of the Certification Program in perpetuity with any available excess funds.

Section 22 - Rules of Order

The Certification Program will adopt Robert's Rules of Order. The Immediate Past President will serve as Parliamentarian at Board and annual business meetings.

Section 23 - Publications

The Board of Directors has the authority to delegate responsibilities for producing and distributing publications which further the objectives of the certification program.

Section 24 - Appeal Process

Any applicant aggrieved by a decision of the Certification Review Panel or the Certification Renewal Committee has the right to request a review of the decision. The review shall be conducted by the Appeals Board. The format for the appeal is specified below:
  1. The applicant must submit a request for appeal to the SWSPCP, Inc. business office within 60 days of the date of the Certification Review Panel or Certification Renewal Committee decision. Specific reasons for the appeal must be stated by the applicant. Upon request by the Chair of the Appeals Board, the Chair of the Certification Review Panel or Certification Renewal Committee shall provide the comments and recommendation from the Review Panel or Renewal Committee that were used in reaching their decision.
  2. The SWSPCP, Inc. business office shall transmit the appeal and all appropriate application materials to each of the three members of the Appeals Board.
  3. The Appeals Board shall have 30 days from the time of receipt of an appeal to conduct a review of materials and prepare a finding. The finding will be prepared in writing from the Appeals Board Chair to the President.
  4. The President makes the final decision and responds to the applicant, with a copy of the response to the SWSPCP business office and the Certification Review Panel Chair, or Certification Renewal Committee Chair, as pertinent.

Section 25 - Certification Renewal Process

SWSPCP, Inc., certifies certain individuals meeting minimum requirements to be Professional Wetland Scientist (PWS), Senior Professional Wetland Scientists (SPWS), Wetland Professional In Training (WPIT), and Professional Wetland Scientist (Emeriti) as described in Section (a)(3) below. In order to promote the maintenance of high technical standards of PWS, SWSPCP, Inc. requires certification renewal at five-year intervals for PWS and SPWS.
  1. PWS/SPWS who have retired may wish to maintain active certification as described above or may apply for Emeriti status. To qualify for Emeriti status, an individual must be 65 years of age and have been a PWS for at least 10 years, or 60 years of age and have been a PWS for at least 15 years. An applicant for Emeritus/Emerita status must submit a one-time certification renewal fee of $150.00, statement of retirement, and evidence of age and certification duration as listed above. Upon meeting these criteria, the individual will be granted the status of PWS Emeritus/Emerita for life. Status of PWS Emeriti waives the five-year renewal requirement. It is optional for those granted the PWS Emeriti status to pay the annual maintenance fee or any portion thereof. Additionally, those granted PWS Emeriti status must indicate such when using the PWS designation (i.e., business cards, email signatures, etc.).
  2. Certification Renewal Criteria
    1. An individual applying for certification renewal must be a PWS/SPWS in good standing with SWSPCP, Inc. Members who are in arrears with annual maintenance fees must bring fees current prior to processing of the certification renewal application.
    2. An individual applying for certification renewal must take at least one, 2-hour ethics class during the renewal period and provide documentation of said course. This provision shall take effect for all renewal application due on, or after, January 1, 2024
    3. Certification shall be for a period of no greater than five years.
    4. A PWS/SPWS shall complete the Certification Renewal Application with supporting documentation and submit with a nonrefundable payment to SWSPCP, Inc. Supporting documentation for Items 6A-J below should be in the form of a letter from the event sponsor, certificate of completion, attendance roster, or other independent attestation of completion. At a minimum, each record should include the name of the attendee, name of the sponsoring organization, activity title, activity description, activity date, and the duration of the activity.
    5. A PWS/SPWS who fails to renew certification within the prescribed time period will be deactivated. Unless the renewal period is extended by exception as described below, a lapsed certification will require recertification under the current criteria.
    6. A PWS/SPWS shall earn a minimum of 10 certification renewal points during a five-year period from the time of certification.
    7. Certification renewal points may be earned as follows: The Certification Renewal Committee will evaluate applications and may request additional supportive documentation. The Certification Renewal Committee may reject requests for points that are not properly documented or are deemed to be inappropriate.
      1. Employment in the field. Fulltime employment (working 75 percent of the time as a wetland scientist) in the field of wetland science earns two points per year. Less than fulltime employment shall earn points at the following rates:
        60 - 74 percent of time as wetland scientist = 1.5 points/year
        40 - 59 percent of time as wetland scientist = 1.0 points/year
        25 - 39 percent of time as wetland scientist = 0.5 points/year.
        <25% will earn no points
        No more than 7.0 points earned by employment shall be applied to certification renewal during the five-year period. A PWS/SPWS applying for certification renewal shall provide evidence of employment to substantiate the renewal points in the application.
      2. Wetland instruction.
        • Attendance at a wetland-training course shall earn points at a rate of 0.5 points per 8 hours of training. No more than 2.0 points shall be earned per training course. No more than 7.0 points earned from wetland instruction shall be applied toward certification per five-year period. PWS/SPWS applying for certification renewal must provide documentation of participation, course instructors, course content, and course length or evidence that the course has been approved by SWSPCP, Inc.
        • Attending a wetland-related webinar or presentation shall earn renewal points at the rate of 0.1 points per hour. No more than 7.0 points earned from attending wetland-related webinars or presentations shall be applied toward certification per five-year period. PWS/SPWS applying for certification renewal must provide documentation of participation from the webinar presenter, webinar content.
        • Non-wetland professional development: SWSPCP recognizes that professional wetland scientists benefit from receiving instruction in fields related to their profession that are not specifically wetland-related. This instruction could include, but not be limited to, ethics, GIS technology, expert witness skill development, environmental document preparation, HazMat/OSHA. Attendance at a non-wetland training course shall earn points at a lower rate than wetland instruction at a rate of 0.25 points per 8 hours of training. No more than 1.0 point shall be earned per training course. No more than 4.0 points earned from non-wetland instruction shall be applied toward certification per five-year period. PWS/SPWS applying for certification renewal must provide documentation of participation, course instructors, course content, and course length or evidence that the course has been approved by SWSPCP, Inc. AND provide a written justification for the course's applicability to the professional development of the wetland scientist.
      3. Wetland training instructor. Refer to criteria for employment in the field.
      4. Publication of technical paper. A PWS/SPWS may earn certification renewal points for publications made within 5 years of the latest renewal date. Publication of a wetland-related scientific paper in a peer reviewed journal, monograph, or book shall accrue certification renewal points at the following rates:
        Principal author or co-author of a journal article2.0 points
        Second author1.0 points
        Junior author0.5 points
        Editor or principal author of a monograph or book4.0 points
        Junior author of a book or Monograph or author of a chapter of a book3.0 points
        Co-editor/Associate editor of a book or monograph1.0 point

        No more than 8.0 points for preparation of technical articles shall be applied toward recertification per five-year period. A PWS/SPWS seeking certification renewal points shall present appropriate evidence of the documents cited such as a copy of the title page or first page with the application for certification renewal.
      5. Presentation of an oral paper or poster at a wetland-related meeting. Preparing and presenting an oral paper or poster shall earn 1.0 renewal point. No more than 8.0 points for preparation of oral papers or posters shall be applied to certification renewal per five-year period. PWS/SPWS seeking certification renewal points shall present evidence that paper or poster was presented and/or description of the conference or evidence that it has been accepted by SWSPCP, Inc.
      6. Active officer in professional wetland-related organization. Serving an active role as an officer (President, President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer) in a wetland related organization shall earn 1.0 point per year; committee chairs shall earn 0.5 points per year. Active committee members will earn 0.25 points per year. No more than 8.0 points shall be applied to certification renewal per five-year period. PWS/SPWS seeking certification points shall present evidence of position and active service in an acceptable organization.
      7. Attendance at wetland conference. Attending a wetland-related conference shall earn renewal points at the rate of 0.5 points per conference lasting a minimum of 8.0 hours per conference. Conferences lasting 16 hours shall earn 1.0 renewal point and conferences lasting more than 16 hours shall earn 1.5 points. No more than 4.0 points for attendance of wetland conferences shall be applied to certification renewal per five-year period. PWS/SPWS seeking renewal points must submit evidence of participation. Application for points from conferences sponsored by SWSPCP, Inc. need only submit evidence of participation and the length of the conference. Applicants seeking points for other conferences must include a description of the conference, including technical content for approval.
      8. Other. Points for other types of wetland activities may be granted upon submittal of appropriate documentation to the SWSPCP, Inc. Certification Standards Committee. An applicant must obtain authorization for points in this category by making a request to the Chair of the Certification Standards Committee. The Chair will respond to the request after reviewing it with the Certification Standards Committee. Response will be made within 60 days of the receipt of a request. The decision of the Certification Standards Committee shall be final unless the applicant requests a review by the Appeals Board.
      9. SWSPCP Code of Ethics. SWSPCP further recognizes the importance of maintaining high ethical standards in the profession and upholding the SWSPCP Code of Ethics. One important way of maintaining these high standards is to receive periodic ethics training targeted towards the SWSPCP Code of Ethics. Beginning January 1, 2017 all applicants for certification renewal shall successfully complete) ethics training that is a minimum of two hours long in the five-year period covered by the application for renewal. The course can be a course offered by SWSPCP on its website or at a conference or one that is equivalent to the SWSPCP on-line course in content and duration. Successful completion of the ethics course will have a value of 0.25 points and shall be a component of this section (B). No application for renewal will be deemed complete without proof of successful completion of the ethics training.
      10. The sum of points from Sections B through G must be equal or greater than 3.125.
    8. Certification as Senior Professional Wetland Scientist will be awarded to Professional Wetland Scientists who are certified for 15 years or more and in good standing.
  3. Exceptions. Requests for exceptions to the above-described certification renewal criteria will be reviewed by the SWSPCP Certification Renewal Committee, based upon the circumstances and supportive documentation of the petition. The Chair, with consent of a majority of the Certification Renewal Committee members, will make the final decision, and will report to the applicant. The applicant may ask the Appeals Board to review any negative decisions.
  4. A PWS/SPWS whose certification has lapsed, may be granted a one-year grace period to renew their certification. The granted grace period renewal will be contingent upon approval of the PWS/SPWS's submission of a written exception request, submitted to The exception request must include an explanation of why the PWS/SPWS's certification should be considered for renewal by the committee. The renewal committee will then decide whether or not to allow the PWS/SPWS, whose certification has lapsed, to renew their certification. Anyone whose certification has lapsed past one year must re-apply for certification, with no exceptions.
  5. Appeal. In the event that an application for certification renewal is denied, the applicant may make a request for reevaluation by the Appeals Board.

Section 26 - Ethics complaint filing and review process

The SWSPCP, Inc. has a Code of Ethics and Professional Practice which each certified Professional Wetland Scientist (PWS), Senior Professional Wetland Scientist (SPWS) or Wetland Professional In Training (WPIT) agrees to uphold when making application for certification. Prior to any anticipated hearing with any potential complainant, the complainant shall agree to an informal telephone meeting with the SWSPCP Ethics Committee Chair. This meeting must occur prior to any actual complaint being filed, according to the bylaws. If complaints arise and are brought forward by the process defined in these standing rules, the Ethics Committee shall review the complaint and make a decision. The complaints shall be submitted and reviewed as follows
  1. Ethics complaints must be filed on a form provided by the SWSPCP, Inc. business office and must provide written evidence or affidavit documenting the complaint and must be signed by the complainant. All preliminary complaints will be held in confidence by the Ethics Committee.
    Download the Ethics Complaint Form (PDF)
  2. Once the complaint is received by the Committee for preliminary review it will be judged by the Chair with advice of the full Committee within 14 days as either viable or non-viable. If the complaint is found non-viable, the complainant will be notified of discrepancies, and at the discretion of a majority of the Committee, be allowed to re-submit. If determined to be viable, a copy of the complaint will be sent by certified mail to the member charged (defendant) within 10 days of the decision by the Committee.
  3. The member charged shall prepare a response/rebuttal which shall be returned to the Chair of the Ethics Committee within 60 days of the date that the complaint was sent to the defendant. The defendant may request an additional 30 days extension by the Chair if extenuating circumstances exist that prohibits the defendant from meeting the 60 day deadline. The defendant must provide the Chair with oral or written proof before the end of the first 60 days. Failure to respond within 60 days or, if extended, by the end of the extension period, will not stop the complaint review process.
  4. A closed hearing is scheduled for the SWSPCP, Inc. in Chicago, IL or by telephone conference call or as the Ethics Committee otherwise sets, with reasonable notice. The defendant is notified of the hearing time, place and date and offered the opportunity to attend and present the response/rebuttal (attendance not required).
  5. The complainant is notified of the hearing time, place and date and offered the opportunity to attend and present the complaint (attendance not required). The location of any in-person hearing will be in Chicago, IL.
  6. The Ethics Committee shall utilize the Code of Ethics and Professional Practice as the standards for evaluating the complaint and shall rely on physical evidence, signed and witnessed affidavits, or testimony to ascertain if a violation of the Code of Ethics and Professional Practice has taken place. Hearsay evidence shall not be considered by the Committee. Possible evidence of criminal wrongdoing shall not be considered by SWSPCP, Inc., but shall be referred to the proper authorities. No cross-examination of witnesses by the other party will be allowed.
  7. The Ethics Committee will take one of the following actions:
    1. If there is insufficient evidence to prove that a violation of the Code of Ethics and Professional Practice occurred, the Committee shall overrule the complaint and exonerate the defendant.
    2. If the Ethics Committee finds that a violation of the Code of Ethics and Professional Practice has occurred, the Committee must determine the severity of the violation and, depending on the severity, take one of three actions:
      1. Write a Letter of Reprimand to the defendant.
      2. Place the defendant on probation for a period of two (2) years.
      3. Decertify the defendant as a PWS, SPWS or WPIT for a period of five (5) years.
  8. The decision of the Ethics Committee will be determined by a majority of committee members at the meeting with a minimum of three necessary to comprise a quorum.
  9. The complainant and defendant will be notified by certified mail of the Ethics Committees' decision within 30 days of the final decision. The letter will specify the specific violation(s) found to have occurred and will be signed by the SWSPCP President. All documents and materials and communications regarding the complaint and the hearing will thereafter be kept in the custody of legal counsel for the Certification Program, unless the Board of Directors makes other appropriate arrangements.
  10. A member issued a Letter of Reprimand will remain listed in the Registry of Professional Wetland Scientists. A Letter of Reprimand may be issued only once within a five (5) year period. Any subsequent violation within the five (5) year period must be addressed through probation or decertification.
  11. A member who has been placed on probation will be delisted from the Registry of Professional Wetland Scientists for the duration of the probationary period. A member may be placed on probation no more than twice within a five (5) year period. Any subsequent violation within the five (5) year period will result in decertification.
    1. A member who has satisfactorily completed the probationary period will be relisted in the Registry of Professional Wetland Scientists.
    2. The member's original certification renewal schedule is not changed by probation. If certification renewal is due during the probationary period, probation must first be completed. Upon satisfactory completion of probation, the certification renewal must be completed, including fee paid, before the person is relisted in the Registry of Professional Wetland Scientists.
    3. A WPIT who has been placed on probation may not apply for PWS certification during the probationary period, and may not use experience while on probation toward experience required for upgrading from WPIT to PWS certification. A WPIT may use experience and training during probation for certification renewal.
  12. A member who has been decertified is not a PWS, SPWS or WPIT for the decertification period. The decertified person will be delisted from the Registry of Professional Wetland Scientists. At the end of the decertification period, the person may apply for reinstatement as a PWS, SPWS or WPIT. Requirements for reinstatement are:
    1. Three letters of reference from PWS/SPWS in good standing, who are not employed by the same organization as the decertified person;
    2. An application fee according to the schedule of fees for a new certification (Section 18); and
    3. Documentation of five (5) years of experience during the previous 10 years that meets the certification renewal requirements in Section 25.
  13. An application for reinstatement will be reviewed by the Certification Review Panel.
  14. The date of reinstatement of a decertified PWS, SPWS or WPIT is the new certification year for the purpose of certification renewal.
  15. Any person who is decertified twice within a ten (10) year period will not be eligible for reinstatement of their certification.

Section 27 - Duties of the SWS/SWSPCP representative

The immediate past presidents of SWS and SWSPCP shall work together to identify a candidate representative whose appointment shall be approved by the SWS Board of Directors and endorsed by the SWSPCP Board of Directors.
  1. Responsibilities and Duties of the SWS/SWSPCP Representative shall include:
  2. Attend SWSPCP Board Meetings; report on SWS activities and plans; participate in discussions and vote as a member of the SWSPCP Board of Directors as per Article IV. Section 3. of the SWSPCP Bylaws.
  3. Attend SWS Board Meetings; report on SWSPCP activities and plans; participate in discussions and vote as a member of the SWS Board of Directors as per Article III. Section 4. of the SWS Bylaws.
  4. Promote interactions and common activities between SWS and SWSPCP. These may include but are not limited to social events between members of the boards of directors, sessions on subjects of common interest at SWS annual meetings, and education and outreach to the public.

Section 28 - Student Representative on the SWSPCP Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall appoint a Student Representative to serve on the Board for as long as the representative remains a graduate student in good standing or no more than three years, whichever is shorter. Nominations and volunteers will be sought from a pool of eligible candidates that will include students who have been SWS members for at least one year and have attended an SWS annual meeting in the last three years. A one-page biographical statement must be submitted, along with a Student Representative Application Form, to the SWSPCP Executive Board by or on behalf of the nominee or volunteer.
  1. The Student Representative shall be a non-voting member of the Board of Directors.
  2. The Student Representative will be offered a stipend to cover their WPIT or PWS application and/or annual maintenance fees during their term of service.
  3. Responsibilities and duties of the Student Representative shall include:
    1. Attend SWSPCP Board meetings, either in person or virtually, and provide a report on activities and initiatives that affect students that have been awarded WPIT, and/or those who desire to be certified as PWS.
    2. Represent student members of SWS, from across the globe, to facilitate knowledge transfer to and from the SWSPCP Board of Directors, with a focus on internationalizing the Program.
    3. Participate in discussions to advise the SWSPCP Board of Directors, as it relates to the role of students in the Program and provide a report of relevant actions to the SWS Student Section and other SWS student groups.
    4. Promote interactions and common activities between SWSPCP and student groups in SWS, such as, but not limited to, the SWS Student Section, students participating in the SWS SWaMMP Program, etc. These may include, but are not limited to, social events between students and members of the SWSPCP Board of Directors, sessions on subjects of common interest at SWS annual meetings or Chapter meetings, and education and outreach to students interested in the Professional Certification Program.
  4. If the Student Representative cannot or does not fulfill the aforementioned duties, or no longer holds status as a graduate student in good standing, the Board of Directors is authorized to remove the Student Representative from office and withdraw any future stipends for WPIT/PWS fees. The Board of Directors may choose to appoint a temporary or permanent replacement as the Student Representative on the Board.
  5. Complete the application form on-line.

Section 29 - Duties of the CESB Representative and Alternate

  1. In accordance with CESB By-Laws, Section 4.4, the CESB Representative will serve as the CESB voting representative of the SWSPCP in CESB member actions. The CESB Representative must be a current member of the SWSPCP Board or a PWS in good standing.
  2. The CESB Representative and Alternate shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors for a five year term. The Alternate will fulfill the duties of the CESB Representative, as directed by the CESB Representative and/or the SWSPCP Board of Directors if the Representative is unable to fulfill their duties.
  3. The CESB Representative is a voting member of the Board of Directors.
  4. The CESB Representative, with assistance from the SWSPCP management entity, will be the liaison between SWSPCP and the CESB. The CESB Representative, with assistance from the SWSPCP management entity, will:
    1. Attend the CESB annual meeting or special meeting, and vote in CESB decisions as required. The CESB Representative may, at his or her discretion, consult with the Board on CESB vote decisions.
    2. Communicate information regarding accreditation standing, requirements, changes, and issues to the SWSPCP Board.
    3. Communicate questions and clarification on accreditation and certification program operation to the CESB.
    4. Assist, as directed by the Board, in the renewal of accreditation and fulfillment of accreditation conditions and requirements.

Section 30 - Duties of the Public Member

  1. In accordance with CESB Accreditation Guidelines 4.B., the Public Member serves to provide the public, consumers, and sponsoring organizations of SWSPCP with an opportunity to contribute to the formulation of policies and decisions of SWSPCP.
  2. The Public Member shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors for a five-year term. The Public Member may not be a certified PWS or WPIT. The Public Member should be knowledgeable about wetland policy generally and/or have familiarity with governmental entities or businesses that may employ or contract with a PWS or WPIT, or that may be affected by decisions made by a PWS or WPIT.
  3. The Public Member is a voting member of the Board of Directors.

Section 31 - Terms of appointment and duties of the Professional Short Course Review Panel and Chair

The Professional Short Course Review Panel (PSCRP) shall review and pre-approve proposals from instructors or sponsors of professional short courses, training sessions, webinars and similar programs intended to satisfy requirements for certification or renewal of Professional Wetland Scientist certification by SWSPCP. The PSCRP Chair shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors for a three-year term and is responsible for leading and working with a PSCRP of nine Professional Wetland Scientists. The PSCRP Chair shall also serve as a member of the Certification Standards Committee. Panel members may be reappointed by the President with approval by the Board of Directors. The current PCSRP Chair shall assist the President in recommending appropriate Panel candidates based on geographical representation, sources of employment, education and experience background, and minority considerations. The Panel is appointed on a rotating basis. For initial formation of the PSCRP, Panel members will be appointed for one, two and three year terms respectively. Thereafter, 3 Panel members will be (re) appointed each year.
  1. The PSCRP Chair presides over Panel meetings, which should occur at least annually.
  2. The PSCRP Chair shall have the authority to pre-approve professional short courses, as defined in Section 31 of the Standing Rules for applicants (course sponsors and instructors) who meet all requirements set forth in that Section.
  3. The PSCRP Chair makes recommendations for modifications to the Professional Short Course Pre-approval Program standards and procedures to the SWSPCP Board of Directors, based on specific experiences encountered during processing of applications.
  4. The PSCRP Chair receives copies of all applications from the SWSPCP, Inc. business office and receives all completed review forms from other panelists. The Chair may correspond directly with applicants concerning any and all aspects of individual applications, including approvals and appeals.
  5. The PSCRP Chair records all decisions made by the Panel with the SWSPCP Inc. business office, who maintains master files of the Professional Short Course Pre-approval Program.

Section 32 - Professional Short Course Pre-Approval Program Requirements and Standards

  1. Applicants seeking certification as a Professional Wetland Scientist or seeking certification renewal are required to document specialized wetland course work. Such training may consist of professional short courses or continuing education courses. The content of such courses varies widely and in many cases may have little applicability to wetland science. To help applicants ensure that professional short courses will be accepted by the Certification Review Panel and the Certification Renewal Committee, proponents of said courses may apply to the Professional Short Course Pre-Approval Program to have their courses evaluated and pre-approved. Such approval provides certain predictability that the course offered will receive credit or points, as appropriate, by applicants seeking PWS certification or certification renewal. This program is not intended for regular semester or quarter hour courses offered by accredited colleges or universities.
  2. A proposed course must meet both criteria (Course Content and Instructor Qualifications) described below:
    1. Appropriate course content. At least one of the following standards must be met.
      1. Course title and content clearly fall within current educational requirements for certification of professional wetland scientists established by SWSPCP, or
      2. Course content clearly falls within the professional wetland scientist's Body of Knowledge developed by SWSPCP, or
      3. Course title and content are acceptable by a majority of the SWSPCP Professional Short Course Review Panel.
    2. Qualified instructor(s). Each instructor in the course must meet at least one of the following standards.
      1. instructor(s) are certified Professional Wetland Scientists (PWS) by SWSPCP and are in good standing, or
      2. instructor(s) are professionally registered or certified in a discipline appropriate for the proposed course by a recognized professional society or government entity acceptable to SWSPCP, such as, but not limited to, a Certified Ecologist, Certified Wildlife Biologist, Certified Professional Soil Scientist, Certified or Registered Professional Geologist, Certified Professional Hydrologist, or Professional Engineer, or
      3. instructor(s) are currently employed as teaching/research faculty in an appropriate discipline at an accredited university, college, or equivalent educational institution, or
      4. Instructor credentials are acceptable by a majority of the SWSPCP Professional Short Course Review Panel and Chair.
    3. Potential reasons for denial or withdrawal of course or instructor approval, at SWSPCP discretion (this list is not exhaustive):
      1. Course content no longer meets one or more of the required standards for appropriate course content listed above.
      2. Actual course content is inappropriate, unscientific, or otherwise fails to meet general standards of technical accuracy and unbiased presentation.
      3. Instructor no longer meets one or more of the required instructor qualifications listed above.
      4. Instructor is ineffective, abusive, discriminatory, or otherwise fails to meet acceptable standards of professional behavior, ethics, or competence.
    4. Examples of approvable professional short courses, continuing education, and/or training may include, but are not limited to, the following: Wetland Hydrology; General Hydrology; Soil Morphology, Classification, and Mapping; Hydric Soil Identification; Wetland Restoration and Creation; Wetland Delineation/Evaluation/Classification; Applied Wetland Ecology and Management; Wetland Plant Taxonomy; Advanced Plant Taxonomy; Wetland Creation/Mitigation; Wetland Ecology; Stream Delineation, Assessment and Management; Federal, State, Provincial or Tribal Regulations and Policy; Permitting Programs. Training courses offered at professional society meetings satisfying all other requirements in this Section may be approved. Attendance at live webinars may also be pre-approved. However, general attendance at professional meetings or symposia will NOT qualify to meet this requirement and does not provide CEU's for attendance at such functions.
    5. Course sponsors and instructors seeking pre-approval of professional wetland short courses must provide the following information to assist the Professional Short Course Review Panel in assessing the applicability of the course to wetland science and determining course valuation in equivalent semester hours (see Section 17(a)(6) of the Standing Rules for valuation standards):
      1. Name, address and contact information for course sponsor, if any.
      2. Name, address, contact information and a professional resume for each instructor. The resume should include all professional certifications and registrations and teaching experience directly related to wetland science or practice. Include dates, location and a listing of the relevant wetland courses taught. Limit the resume to two (2) pages of 12 font type.
      3. Provide a course syllabus which describes the course objectives, an outline or discussion of the course content, schedule of instruction, exams and grading criteria. Limit the syllabus to two (2) pages of 12 font type.
      4. All applicants must pay a non-refundable fee of which must accompany the application.
        Individual Courses per year*1-56-1011-15>15
        Course and Instructor Approval fee$650$1,200$1,700$2,500
        Initial 2-Year Renewal Fee$300$600$900$1,200
        Thereafter 5-Year Renewal Fee$500$1,000$1,500$2,000

        *Individual courses are characterized as separate courses taught by the same sponsor/instructor, such as wetland delineation and wetland hydrology, not the number of times an individual course is taught during any calendar year.

        Individual Live WebinarApplication Fee
        For-Profit Sponsor$150
        Non-Profit Sponsor$75

        Checks must be made payable to the Society of Wetland Scientists Professional Certification Program, or simply "SWSPCP". The application fee for courses offered or sponsored by the Society of Wetland Scientists at the national and chapter annual meetings will be waived.
        The live webinar sponsor shall provide a certificate of attendance and completion to those individuals seeking PCP credits or points. The live webinar sponsor may also assess a certificate preparation fee separate from any SWSPCP requirements.
      5. Each course sponsor and/or instructor must include and endorse by signing the following statement in their application package:
        "I certify under penalty of law that this application package and all attachments and information contained herein is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information or misrepresenting true facts. Further, I understand that course pre-approval is voluntary and a privilege, which is subject to termination as described under these rules and can be done with or without cause, but shall not be done for any discrimination purposes related to race, creed or gender."
      6. Approved professional short courses will remain valid for a period of 2 years from the date of initial approval, and then subject to a 5-year review and renewal cycle thereafter, unless approval is withdrawn by SWSPCP as described in Section (3) above, or sponsors/instructors voluntarily withdraw the course. Sponsors/instructors wishing to extend course approval may re-apply at any time. However, if a course is taught without pre-approval, an applicant for PWS certification or certification renewal seeking credit for the course will not be guaranteed automatic credit.
      7. Should a new instructor wish to teach a professional short course which has been pre-approved by SWSPCP, that instructor must make application to SWSPCP for approval. The instructor must provide the necessary information established in Section (b)(2) and provide a signed statement as established in Section (b)(5)(E) above. No fee will be charged for this review.
    6. A professional short course evaluation form is provided on the SWSPCP website. At the beginning and the end of each short course the instructor(s) are required to inform the students of the existence of the short course evaluation form and encourage them to complete and submit the form to the SWSPCP business office. Course sponsors and instructors may also download the form and utilize the form for their own feedback.
    7. Appeal Process.
      Any applicant (course sponsor or instructor) aggrieved by a decision of the Professional Short Course Review Panel has the right to request a review of the decision. The review shall be conducted by SWSPCP Appeals Board. The format for the Appeal is specified below:
      1. The course sponsor or instructor must submit a request for appeal to the SWSPCP, Inc. business office within 60 days of the date of the Professional Short Course Review Panel decision. Specific reasons for the appeal must be stated by the applicant. Upon request by the Chair of the Appeals Board, the Chair of the Professional Short Course Review Panel shall provide the comments and recommendations from the Review Panel that were used in reaching their decision.
      2. The SWSPCP, Inc. business office shall transmit the appeal and all appropriate application materials to each member of the Appeals Board.
      3. The Appeals Board shall have 30 days from the time of receipt of an appeal to conduct a review of the materials and prepare a finding. The finding will be prepared in writing from the Appeals Board Chair to the President.
      4. The President makes the final decision and responds to the applicant, with a copy of the response to the SWSPCP Inc. business office and the Professional Short Course Review Panel Chair.
      5. The decision made by the SWSPCP is final, and not subject to review by any court, or in a further hearing.

Section 33 - Terms of appointment and duties of the Awards Committee and Chair

  1. The Awards Committee Chair shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors for a three-year term and is responsible for leading and working with a three member committee. The Chair shall nominate Committee candidates to be approved by the Board of Directors.
  2. The Awards Committee is charged with the promotion and development of public recognition of the SWSPCP. The Committee works to promote the overall recognition of the achievements of wetland scientists and review nominations for Award(s).
  3. The Awards Committee shall meet at least once per year to review and evaluate the slate of Award nominations received. The Committee shall make a recommendation of Award recipient(s) to the Board.

Section 34 - Terms of appointment and duties of the Globalization Committee and Chair(s)

  1. The Globalization Committee Chair(s) shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors for a three-year term and is responsible for leading and working with the committee. The Chair(s) shall nominate Committee candidates to be approved by the Board of Directors. Committee candidates will serve asynchronous, three-year terms.
  2. The Globalization Committee is charged with developing strategies and carrying out actions that increase and maintain globalized membership and leadership of the SWSPCP.
  3. The Globalization Committee Chair shall coordinate with the three standing Presidents on the Executive Committee and the Treasurer to establish yearly budgets that support SWSPCP, Inc.'s globalization goals, such as (but not limited to):
    1. When financially feasible, and when the relevant people are available, SWSPCP, Inc. budgets shall include funds to support the President Elect, President, Immediate Past President and Globalization Chair to attend and promote (such as by hosting a stand, giving presentations, etc.) SWSPCP, Inc. at major international wetlands meetings, including but not limited to the Ramsar Convention Conferences of the Parties and the INTECOL International Wetlands Conference.
    2. When financially feasible, and when relevant people are available, SWSPCP, Inc. budgets shall include funds to support Globalization Chair-appointed Global Champions to attend and promote (such as by hosting a stand, giving presentations, etc.) SWSPCP, Inc. at relevant wetlands meetings in their region.
    3. When financially feasible, and when relevant people are available, SWSPCP, Inc. budgets shall include funds to support the President Elect, President, Immediate Past President and/or Globalization Chair to attend and promote (such as by hosting a stand, giving presentations, etc.) SWSPCP, Inc. at SWS Chapter meetings where globalization can be promoted.

Section 35 - Terms of appointment and duties of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee and Chair(s)

  1. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee Chair(s) shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors for a three-year term. The Chair(s) shall nominate Committee candidates to be approved by the Board of Directors. Committee members will serve asynchronous, three-year terms. The President, Immediate Past President, and President-Elect will serve in an advisory capacity to the DEI Committee to ensure the charges of the committee are recognized at a high level in the organization.
  2. The DEI Committee is charged with developing strategies and carrying out actions that increase and maintain diversity, equity, and inclusion in membership and leadership of the SWSPCP.

Section 36 - Terms of appointment and duties of the Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee and Chair

  1. The Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee Chair shall be the Immediate Past President. The Committee shall be comprised of the Immediate Past President, President and President-Elect.
  2. The Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee is charged with reviewing the Bylaws and Standing Rules annually and drafting updates to the Bylaws and Standing Rules as necessary from time to time. The Committee will present draft updates to the Bylaws and Standing Rules to the Board of Directors for approval. Other members of the Board of Directors may propose changes to the Bylaws and Standing Rules.

Section 37 - Memoranda of Agreement, Cooperation and Understanding

SWSPCP signs memoranda of understanding (MOUs), memoranda of cooperation (MOCs) and memoranda of agreement (MOAs) to formalize relationships that further the SWSPCP Strategic Plan with other organizations (Partner Organizations). The SWSPCP President and Executive Board are responsible for approving these agreements, and the SWSPCP President signs them on behalf of SWSPCP. The SWSPCP Board of Directors is advisory to the agreement. A document listing current and past MOUs, MOCs and MOAs shall be maintained by the SWSPCP business office. In addition, our Partner Organizations are listed on the SWSPCP website. Agreement documents are accessible on the SWSPCP website by SWSPCP members only. Any activities stemming from MOUs, MOCs, or MOAs that involve expenditure of SWSPCP funds must be approved by the SWSPCP Board of Directors in accordance with Section 38 – Support for Outside Organizations and Their Activities.

Section 38 - Support for Outside Organizations and Their Activities

SWSPCP will consider supporting activities by outside organizations, including Partner Organizations, that promote the SWSPCP Mission, Vision and/or Strategic Plan and must support the practice of sound wetland science, management, and/or conservation. Criteria for consideration of SWSPCP support include:
  1. SWSPCP resources may be used for various purposes but they may not be used to support the salary or remuneration of the activity organizers.
  2. Written requests of support for an activity that do not include financial support by SWSPCP may be considered for approval by the Executive Board.
  3. Written requests for financial support for an activity may be considered for approval by the Board of Directors.
  4. It is a best practice to communicate the purpose of the activity, the purpose for which requested funds will be used, and a justification for the need of the requested funds.
  5. Outside groups supported by SWSPCP for their activities shall recognize SWSPCP for its support and when appropriate provide SWSPCP with the option of setting up a SWSPCP display at no cost in an appropriate position.


© Copyright 2025
Society of Wetland Scientists Professional Certification Program
Last Updated 11/4/24